C語言實(shí)現(xiàn)俄羅斯方塊游戲 TC2.0環(huán)境,主要用到TC提供的graphics來實(shí)現(xiàn)相關(guān)的繪圖,實(shí)際運(yùn)行效果如下:
/********************************************************************/ // Name:俄-羅-斯-方-塊 V1.0 // Author:Giant // Time: 2015/5/17 /********************************************************************/ #include"graphics.h" #include"time.h" #include"math.h" #include"dos.h" #include"conio.h" #define NULL 0 #define False 0 #define True 1 #define REVOLVE 5 #define DOWN 2 #define LEFT 3 #define RIGHT 4 #define TIMER 0x1c #define ESC 27 #define DOWN_MAX 420 void interrupt (*oldtimer)(void); static unsigned grade=0; char msg[10]="Grade : "; char msg1[10]="\0"; typedef struct boxes { unsigned int box; int color; int next; }DESIGN; DESIGN a[19]={35008,2,1, /* The 19 shapes of boxes ,includes size,color and the next number*/ 3712,2,2, 50240,2,3, 736,2,0, 1100,YELLOW,5, 2272,YELLOW,6, 51328,YELLOW,7, 3616,YELLOW,4, 35904,4,9, 1728,4,8, 19584,12,11, 3168,12,10, 1248,5,13, 35968,5,14, 3648,5,15, 19520,5,12, 34952,6,17, 3840,6,16, 3264,10,18}; int screeninarry[19][21]={0}; int TimerCounter=0; void interrupt newtimer(void) { (*oldtimer)(); TimerCounter++; } void SetTimer(void interrupt(*IntProc)(void)) { oldtimer=getvect(TIMER); disable(); setvect(TIMER,IntProc); enable(); } void KillTimer() { disable(); setvect(TIMER,oldtimer); enable(); } void background() { int x1=getmaxx()/2-200,y1=60,x2=getmaxx()/2+200,y2=420; /* x,y is maingameinterface of coordinate*/ int i; setlinestyle(0,1,3); /* set bkground */ setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy()); /* maingameinterface */ setcolor(WHITE); setlinestyle(0,1,3); rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); /* 18* 20 & 360 * 400 */ setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); bar(x1,y1,x2,y2); /* set outbox left and right */ setcolor(WHITE); setlinestyle(0,1,3); rectangle(x2+20,80,x2+100,160); setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); /* setfill maingameinterface */ bar(x2+20,80,x2+100,160); /* setfill occupation box */ i=20; setlinestyle(0,1,3); while(i<80) { line(x2+20,80+i,x2+100,80+i); i=i+20; } i=20; while(i<80) { line(x2+20+i,80,x2+20+i,160); i=i+20; } /* this is about of the game ,include opreta and author and so on*/ setlinestyle(0,1,3); rectangle(x2+10,240,x2+110,DOWN_MAX); bar(x2+10,240,x2+110,DOWN_MAX); moveto(x2+10,250); outtext("Welcomeplay!"); moveto(x2+10,270); outtext("'P' is pause"); moveto(x2+10,290); outtext("'R' is renew"); moveto(x2+10,310); outtext("'Esc' is exit"); moveto(x2+10,340); outtext(" ----by Giant"); } /* */ void box(unsigned int box,int color) /* box difine shape,color */ { int x=getmaxx()/2+200+20,y=80; /* set dutum of x,y */ int i=getmaxx()/2+200+20,n; unsigned int max=box; unsigned int mask=32768; /* init boxes */ int k=20; setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); bar(x,80,x+80,160); k=20; setcolor(WHITE); setlinestyle(0,1,3); while(k<80) { line(x,80+k,x+80,80+k); k=k+20; } k=20; while(k<80) { line(x+k,80,x+k,160); k=k+20; } /* boxes it is ok */ setfillstyle(1,color); setlinestyle(0,1,3); for(n=0;n<16;n++) { if(mask & max) { rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+20); bar(x,y,x+20,y+20); } x=x+20; if(x-i==80) { x=(x-i)%80+i; y=y+20; } mask=mask>>1; } } double killfullline(int lasty) { int vga=getmaxx()/2-200; int x=vga,y=lasty,yy=lasty; int n=0; int count=0,i=0; int color; int score=0; for(y=lasty;y>=lasty-60;y=y-20) { count=0; x=vga; for(i=0;i<20;i++,x=x+20) { if(screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2) { count++; } } if(20==count) { n=0; score=0; x=vga; n++; score=score+10*pow(2,n); setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); setcolor(LIGHTBLUE); for(x=vga,i=0;i<20;x=x+20,i++) /* clean fullline */ { rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+20); bar(x,y,x+20,y+20); screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]=0; } for(x=vga,i=0,yy=y;yy>=60;x=x+20,i++) { if(i==20) { i=0; x=vga; /* killfullline(yy); */ yy=yy-20; } if(screeninarry[(yy-20-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2) { color=getpixel(x+10,yy-10); /* get color of this box*/ screeninarry[(yy-20-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]=0; setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); bar(x,yy-20,x+20,yy); setcolor(LIGHTBLUE); rectangle(x,yy-20,x+20,yy); setfillstyle(1,color); setlinestyle(0,1,3); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(x,yy,x+20,yy+20); bar(x,yy,x+20,yy+20); screeninarry[(yy-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]=2; } } y=y+20; } /*if (20==count) */ } /* for */ return score; } /* killfullline */ int drawshape(int startx,int starty,int n,int flag) /* set start,coordinate of x,y */ { int x,y; int vga=getmaxx()/2-200; int i=0; int var; int x1=getmaxx()/2-200,y1=60,x2=getmaxx()/2+200,y2=420; int bottom; unsigned int mask=32768; unsigned int max=a[n].box; setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); if(flag==0) var=1; else var=2; setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(getmaxx()/2-120,20,getmaxx()/2+120,50); settextstyle(1, 0, 3); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,20,msg); /*setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(x1,0,x2,y1);*/ setlinestyle(0,1,3); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); x=startx,y=starty; for(i=0;i<16;i++) /* draw picture of shape */ { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(mask & max) { setfillstyle(1,a[n].color); setlinestyle(0,1,3); rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+20); bar(x,y,x+20,y+20); screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]=var; bottom=y; } x=x+20; mask=mask>>1; } /*setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(x1,0,x2,y1);*/ setlinestyle(0,1,3); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); /* delay */ return bottom; /* in */ } void cleanshape(int startx,int starty,int n) { int x=startx,y=starty; int vga=getmaxx()/2-200; int i=0; unsigned int max; unsigned int mask=32768; max=a[n].box; for(i=0;i<16;i++) /* clean shape to bk */ { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(max & mask) { setfillstyle(1,LIGHTBLUE); bar(x,y,x+20,y+20); setcolor(LIGHTBLUE); rectangle(x,y,x+20,y+20); screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]=0; } x=x+20; mask=mask>>1; } } int checkshape(int startx,int starty,unsigned int shapebox,int direction) { int i=0,x=startx,y=starty,tempx=startx,tempy=starty; int vga=getmaxx()/2-200; unsigned int mask=32768; unsigned int max=a[shapebox].box; /**/ if(direction==LEFT) { for(x=startx,y=starty,i=0;i<16;x=x+20,i++) { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(x<vga || screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2) return False; mask=mask>>1; } return True; } else if(direction==RIGHT) { mask=32768; for(x=startx,y=starty,i=0;i<16;x=x+20,i++) { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(max & mask) if(x+20 > getmaxx()-vga || screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2) return False; mask=mask>>1; } return True; } else if(direction==DOWN) { mask=32768; for(x=startx,y=starty,i=0;i<16;x=x+20,i++) { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(max & mask) if(y>=DOWN_MAX || screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2) return False; mask=mask>>1; } return True; } else if(direction==REVOLVE) { mask=32768; for(x=startx,y=starty,i=0;i<16;x=x+20,i++) { if(x-startx==80) { x=startx; y=y+20; } if(max & mask) if(screeninarry[(y-60)/20][(x-vga)/20]==2 || y>=DOWN_MAX || x+20 > getmaxx()-vga || x<vga) return False; mask=mask>>1; } return True; } else printf("direction is error!\n "); } int main() { int drive,mode; int i=0; int bottom=0; int xofshape,xofbox; int flag; int startx=150,starty=0; char ch,ch1; char direction; srand((unsigned)time(0)); drive=DETECT; initgraph(&drive,&mode,"C:\\TC20\\BGI"); /* srand((unsigned)time(0)); */ background(); memset(screeninarry,0,19*21*sizeof(int)); SetTimer(newtimer); while(1) { setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(getmaxx()/2-120,20,getmaxx()/2+120,50); settextstyle(1, 0, 3); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,20,msg); if(i==0) { xofshape=rand()%19; xofbox=rand()%19; } else { xofshape=xofbox; xofbox=rand()%19; } i++; box(a[xofbox].box,a[xofbox].color); startx=getmaxx()/2-200+120; starty=60; while(1) { if(bioskey(1)) { direction=bioskey(0); if(direction==ESC ) { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(1, 0, 3); moveto(getmaxx()/2-150,440); outtext("Are you sure to exit ?(y/n)"); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y' || ch== 'Y') exit(0); else { setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(getmaxx()/2-150,430,getmaxx()/2+180,500); } } if(direction=='r' || direction=='R') { setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(1, 0, 3); moveto(getmaxx()/2-100,440); outtext("pausing......"); ch=getch(); setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(getmaxx()/2-120,430,getmaxx()/2+120,490); } if(direction=='a' || direction=='A') { if(checkshape(startx-20,starty,xofshape,LEFT)) { cleanshape(startx,starty,xofshape); startx=startx-20; drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,0); } } if(direction=='d' || direction=='D') { if(checkshape(startx+20,starty,xofshape,RIGHT)) { cleanshape(startx,starty,xofshape); startx=startx+20; drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,0); } } if(direction=='s' || direction=='S') { if(checkshape(startx,starty+20,xofshape,DOWN)) { TimerCounter=TimerCounter+18; } } if(direction=='w' || direction=='W') { if(checkshape(startx,starty,a[xofshape].next,REVOLVE) ) { cleanshape(startx,starty,xofshape); xofshape=a[xofshape].next; drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,0); } } } if(TimerCounter>=18) { if(checkshape(startx,starty+20,xofshape,DOWN) ) { drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,0); cleanshape(startx,starty,xofshape); starty=starty+20; drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,0); TimerCounter=0; } else /* can not down */ { if(starty<=60) { setcolor(WHITE); while(1) { if(bioskey(1)) exit(1); moveto(getmaxx()/2-100,450); bar(getmaxx()/2-120,20,getmaxx()/2+120,50); settextstyle(1, 0, 3); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-100,20,msg); outtext("Game over ! ! !"); delay(2000); setfillstyle(1,BLUE); bar(getmaxx()/2-120,440,getmaxx()/2+120,460); } } /* down is ok var=2 */ bottom=drawshape(startx,starty,xofshape,1); grade=grade+killfullline(bottom); itoa(grade,msg1,10); strcpy(msg+8,msg1); break; } } } } closegraph(); KillTimer(); }